At JCA Law Office Professional Corporation, we believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity. As a law firm dedicated to supporting equity-seeking groups across Canada, we are proud to celebrate Filipino Heritage Month. This annual observance provides us with a unique opportunity to honor the rich cultural heritage of the Filipino community while shedding light on the need for increased legal representation within this vibrant group.

The Filipino Community, A Pillar of Canadian Society:

Filipino Heritage Month is a time to recognize and appreciate the significant contributions of the Filipino community to the cultural, social, and economic fabric of Canada. With a long history of immigration to Canada, Filipinos have made Canada their home and continue to enrich the nation with their talents, skills, and vibrant traditions.

Challenges in Legal Representation:

However, despite their growing numbers and undeniable impact, the Filipino community faces certain challenges, particularly when it comes to legal representation. The latest report from the Law Society of Ontario reveals that the Filipino community has the lowest ratio of lawyers to the population in Ontario. This disparity highlights the urgent need for increased support, access, and opportunities within the legal profession for aspiring Filipino lawyers.

Empowering the Filipino Community:

At JCA Law Office, we are committed to promoting diversity and equality within the legal field. We recognize that diverse legal representation is essential for a fair and just society, and we strive to bridge the gap by empowering the Filipino community through legal services and advocacy.

Our Dedication to Equity:

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting equity-seeking groups, we actively seek to increase the representation of Filipino lawyers in our firm. By providing mentorship, guidance, and professional development opportunities, we aim to create a more inclusive legal profession that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve.

Building Stronger Communities:

By celebrating Filipino Heritage Month, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of equitable representation within the legal system. Our efforts extend beyond providing legal services; we actively collaborate with community organizations, host educational events, and engage in outreach initiatives to empower and uplift the Filipino community.

Join Us in Celebrating Filipino Heritage Month:

During Filipino Heritage Month, we invite everyone to join us in celebrating the rich culture, history, and achievements of the Filipino community in Canada. Together, we can work towards fostering a more inclusive and equitable society, where every individual, regardless of their background, has access to fair legal representation.

Contact JCA Law Office:

If you are a member of the Filipino community and seeking legal assistance, or if you aspire to pursue a career in law, we encourage you to reach out to JCA Law Office Professional Corporation. Our team is here to support you and provide the guidance you need.

Filipino Heritage Month is a time to honor the invaluable contributions of the Filipino community to Canada while acknowledging the need for increased legal representation. At JCA Law Office Professional Corporation, we are dedicated to empowering the Filipino community through our commitment to diversity, equity, and justice. Together, let us celebrate the Filipino heritage and work towards creating a more inclusive legal profession and society for all.

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If you’re currently working in Canada on a temporary work permit and would like to extend your stay, this short guide is for you. We’ll explain the process of applying for a work permit extension in Canada, including eligibility, required documents, and important deadlines.

Find Out if You Are Eligible for a Work Permit Extension

To apply for a work permit extension, you must:

a. Have a valid temporary work permit at the time of application

b. Continue to meet the eligibility criteria for your specific work permit category

c. Have complied with the terms and conditions of your initial work permit

Know When to Apply

It is important to apply for an extension at least 30 days before your current work permit expires. Waiting too long may result in having to leave Canada and apply for a new work permit from outside the country.

Gather the Required Documents

Gather the following documents to support your application:

a. A valid passport

b. A copy of your current work permit

c. Proof of employment, such as a job offer letter or a contract

d. Proof of financial support during your stay in Canada

e. Medical examination results, if required

f. Any other documents specified for your work permit category

Follow the Application Process

The application for a work permit extension can be completed online through the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. Follow these steps:

a. Create an account on the IRCC website

b. Complete the application form (IMM 5710) for a work permit extension

c. Upload the required documents

d. Pay the application fee (currently CAD 155)

e. Submit your application

Check the Current Processing Time

The processing time for a work permit extension varies depending on the type of work permit, your country of origin, and the volume of applications. Generally, it can take anywhere from 60 to 120 days. Check the IRCC website for current processing times.

What to Do After Submission

Once you have submitted your application, you may continue to work under the same conditions as your previous permit until a decision is made, as long as you applied before your work permit expired. This is known as “implied status.”

Wait for the Decision

You will receive a notification from IRCC regarding the decision on your application. If your extension is approved, you will receive a new work permit with an updated expiry date. If your application is refused, you will be given a deadline by which you must leave Canada.


Applying for a Canadian work permit extension is a straightforward process if you meet the eligibility criteria and submit your application in a timely manner. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can maximize your chances of successfully extending your work permit and continuing your employment in Canada.

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