With Covid-19 restrictions easing up in Canada and the borders opening up to the world, more and more international students are getting encouraged to study abroad. However, the cost of attending a post-secondary education is no doubt expensive and this factor alone could be the reason why students will not pursue their studies abroad. If money is a huge obstacle in stopping you from getting an education outside of your home country, this article will guide and provide useful tips on getting a scholarship here in Canada as an International student.

For those who need an explanation of what a scholarship is: it is financial aid for students who were awarded for their academic standings and met any other criteria that was necessary. The awarded money is then used to pay for your education.

There are multiple ways to save and finance your money towards an education here in Canada, but it is more common for all students to apply for a scholarship. In Canada, there are three types of scholarships and can be classified by the following:

  • Government Scholarships
  • Non-Government Scholarships
  • Canadian University/College Scholarships

To further explain each type of Canadian scholarships, below will be a brief description of said scholarship.

Government Scholarships

International students who apply for this type of scholarship will allow them to study in Canada at a reasonable price, while managing a good budget and healthy lifestyle. Global Affairs Canada is responsible for all major international scholarships and programs. You can check out their website to find various scholarship applications. You will also be able to plan your education and know the expenses of your program(s).  Most of these types of scholarships offer assistance during your stay in Canada. 

Non-Government Scholarships 

These scholarships are not funded by the government and are owned by non-profit organizations or big corporations. They attract many international students because they could offer a lot of financial assistance depending on the type of career you want to pursue. You just need to invest a lot of time in researching and finding the legit organizations.

University/College Scholarships  

Scholarships under this category are mostly merit-based, meaning a student is likely getting financial aid if they have an excellent academic, athletic, or artistic standings. If you have a high GPA and have a general idea of the career you want to pursue, it is recommended that you start researching for universities/colleges that have the programs you are interested in. 

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Tips for Applying Towards a Scholarship

To apply for scholarships in Canada, most organizations/schools will require an essay reflecting about your interest, work experiences and background, and of course getting impressive grades from your previous school. Depending on the scholarships, some will require additional responsibilities or duties to be eligible. All international students should utilize scholarship opportunities because managing school and a part-time job can really be stressful.

Tip 1: Apply for scholarships that you are eligible for

There is no point in trying to apply for a scholarship that does not meet your or the scholarship’s requirements. Not only time and effort will be wasted in trying to apply, but you will also feel discouraged. It will take time looking for the right scholarship to apply for, so it is best to keep trying and be patient.

Tip 2: Get Letters of Recommendations

If possible, have teachers or professionals who share a strong relationship with you to write a letter of recommendation for your application. These people can vouch for you, your work/study ethics and explain your strengths and your ability to overcome your weaknesses. Ensure to provide additional information about yourself and the scholarship you are applying for to the recommender, so they can mention it in their letter. Give them at least two-weeks notice about the letter so they have time to write and figure out the right information they can provide in order to help you get that scholarship you are aiming for.

If you are an international student needing legal and immigration services, the Legal and Immigration Team of JCA LAW is ready to help you. Give us a call at 1-855-522-5290 during office hours, or send us a direct message on our Facebook or Instagram Page. You may also send your inquiries via our web form.

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